Rates, Insurance & Other Questions

  • $225 per session.

    Sliding scale options are available based on need and availability.

  • The following payment options are available:

    → Credit card

    → Debit card

    → Flexible Spending Account (FSA) / Health Savings Account (HSA)

    → Employee Assistance Programs (EAP).

    Some of our therapists partner with various EAP programs; the allotted sessions provided by your EAP program can be used to pay for sessions (e.g. Lyra, Modern Health, Spring Health).

  • Sliding scale fees are fees for services that are adjusted depending on an individual's income. They are usually set to allow for fairness and to address income inequality.

    We do offer a sliding scale in an effort to make our services accessible to clients across a wider economic background. We realize therapy can be expensive and often disproportionately unavailable to BIPOC, Queer, and other marginalized populations.

  • No. Currently, we do not have providers that accept any insurances. We do offer a sliding scale in an effort to make our services accessible to clients across a wider economic background. We realize therapy can be expensive and often disproportionately unavailable to BIPOC individuals, Queer folx, bodies of differing abilities, non-work aged people and other non-dominant populations.

  • Bay Area Somatics seeks to validate and uplift the experience of Black Indigenous People of Color and/or folx that identify with minortity sexual orientations and/or gender identities (in addition to other marginalized identities a person may hold).

  • Yes, we work with people of all backgrounds and life experiences. Since our approach to therapy involves exploring your relationship to your body and how you experience the world as a person in a certain kind of body (eg, poc, queer, cis-gendered, etc.) We acknowledge that your relationship to your body is impacted by how society views the body you inhabit.

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